Cette galerie contient 10 photos.
#19 Cataclysm #22 Skyth #23 Ashton Kryu #24 Zeru #25 Quiro #27 Kaizo #28 Nine #29 Nyx #30 JayZ
For today prompt,here goes Ellis,posing into a nice suit! And…I have nothing more to say!… Pour le thème du jour, voici Ellis, qui pose dans un beau costume !Et…je n’ai rien d’autre à dire !…
Cette galerie contient 10 photos.
#19 Cataclysm #22 Skyth #23 Ashton Kryu #24 Zeru #25 Quiro #27 Kaizo #28 Nine #29 Nyx #30 JayZ
Cette galerie contient 4 photos.
#17 Belial Revenge for Dragongirl222 #18 Van Revenge for Amusementzero #20 Paperclip Revenge for Paperclip95 #21 YunaRevenge for c6twalk
Cette galerie contient 4 photos.
#13 Fruit Roll UpRevenge for Levanator #14 BijouRevenge for Kuroyuri #15 HavenRevenge for GHOSTKEETOS #16 Czernobog (Nevermore Soulbreak)Revenge for One_TruBlu
Cette galerie contient 4 photos.
#9 Red Hoodie GangMass Attack for BlackandRedEdgedWolf & MapleUmbreon #10 GlewairRevenge for Paradoxiart #11 MoonlightAttack for Jason_uwu #12 ReligueseRevenge for W-1-N-D-1-N-Z
As I continue to explore Clip studio Paint options,I learned it could color a drawing using an AI,so I was curious to see how it would color Ellis.It was a wierd mix of colors but it sorta made him a … Continuer la lecture
Cette galerie contient 1 photo.
Lore hat! Lore hat! Lore hat!I’ve found a photo of an old grandpa who had a cat on his head,so it inspired me!Too cute. Chapeau Lore! Chapeau Lore! Chapeau Lore!J’ai trouvé une photo d’un vieux papy qui avait un chat … Continuer la lecture
Cette galerie contient 1 photo.
We are leaving the Megapole,going across the desert to reach our new home.On the way,old memories can be digged up from theirs temporal boxes. The world changed. A drawing i made for deviantart to announce you all my new home … Continuer la lecture
« In the darkest night the beat of the ghastly cacophony pulls along the song of onibis. The red chain that disappeared in the shadows leads the herd of onibis.From the desolated torii you see,someone from here beckoning you.The wolf that was … Continuer la lecture