Cette galerie contient 30 photos.
They stopped by for a break.During this time,bounsweet observe the strange water all around.
I encountered this fusion into my dream,this little jerk is fused with an herdier. Why a jerk? He tried to bite me and even suceeded to do it. This thing want blood.But I still found him cool.I repeat,don’t pet this … Continuer la lecture
Alright,this pokemon,I like him. But because of him we are now back to 2011 with LEVAN POLKA.It bring back a lot of memory.Also i can’t animate it,but i can draw it! So have Sirfetch’d haunting you with memory of the … Continuer la lecture
It’s nearly 2am in the fucking morning,but i couldn’t resist to do this.As soon as i have seen Cramorant I have think of this dumb meme.I like him. Have the meme,i’m going to sleep. Il est presque 2h du foutu … Continuer la lecture
They evolved!…And already cause mischief. Of course.uwu menace isin’t called like that for nothing. Thoses fusion are quite fun to draw,i’ll do more in the future. Ils ont évolué! … Et font déjà des bêtises. Bien sûr.uwu menace n’est pas … Continuer la lecture
When I don’t know what to draw,I remenber that a pokémon fusion site exist,and it’s pretty cool.Ah,yes,i’m planning to fuse umbreon with randoms pokémons,and draw more of them,there never enough umbreon! I found a name for Misbreon due to his … Continuer la lecture
The theme for this drawing was « clouds ».So i have imagined thoses two pokemons buddies,who have both a cloud on theirs head.The story is,they are wilds pokemons who have malicious ways to get food.They usually stole shit form kids or old … Continuer la lecture
Cette galerie contient 30 photos.
They stopped by for a break.During this time,bounsweet observe the strange water all around.
And this is it,Inktober is finished! I gotta say,it was really fun,but also sometimes hard when i had no inspiration or my hands couldnt draw. Overall i liked this challenge,i might do it next year.See you soon for Huevember! That … Continuer la lecture
My shiny litwick i hunted! Maybe i could hunt another one,if i’m too bored one day? Mon funécire chromatique que j’ai shasser !Peut être que je pourrais en shasser un autre, si je suis trop ennuyer un de ces jours ?
Yuuuuup. He’s not happy about this.He look ridicoulous and can’t do shit. He just yell in frustration. Ouuuaaiiss. Il et pas content à s’sujet.Il a l’air ridicule et ne peut rien faire. Il gueule juste de frustration.