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#9 Red Hoodie GangMass Attack for BlackandRedEdgedWolf & MapleUmbreon #10 GlewairRevenge for Paradoxiart #11 MoonlightAttack for Jason_uwu #12 ReligueseRevenge for W-1-N-D-1-N-Z
Cette galerie contient 4 photos.
#9 Red Hoodie GangMass Attack for BlackandRedEdgedWolf & MapleUmbreon #10 GlewairRevenge for Paradoxiart #11 MoonlightAttack for Jason_uwu #12 ReligueseRevenge for W-1-N-D-1-N-Z
Cette galerie contient 4 photos.
# 5 MikiAttack for oneggiri # 6 HiraethAttack for The-Great-Untold #7 Cocelin Revenge for Ocelein #8 Axel Revenge for Appledraws2231
That moment when I get inspired by drinking my morning coffee,and remenbering my fucked up dreams while letting the coffee wake my brain.That’s the vibe. Yes I should be doing artfight preparations stuff but instead I wanted to do this,and … Continuer la lecture
Cette galerie contient 4 photos.
Alaska Alister Piles Tsuchinoko A bunch of giftart of Chimereons! I want my own so I gotta earn some beetoles! Quelques gifart de Chimereons! J’en veux un, donc il faut que j’amasse quelques beetoles!
Cette galerie contient 1 photo.
It’s been a while.Stuff and things happening,changing the course of my life,but in good ways. Now that i have news pills who help me being social,i changed completely my plans,and now i’m working on thoses said plans.As July arrive,i’m working … Continuer la lecture