Archives par mot-clé : umbreon

some brees and a rascal

Brees? Bree! the rascal,Eclipse,is from 2015,and the others two are more recent and made by my little cousinAppreciate them,thanks you! …Blanquette might bite, though. Bree? Bree! Eclipse,le voyou,date de 2015,et les deux autres sont plus récent et fait par ma … Continuer la lecture

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New Bree dropped ! …Again !

Ahahah!…What do you mean it’s ALMOST THE END OF THE YEAR ?! …Ok homie,i’m lost in time,as usual… HEY, CHECK OUT MY HALLOWEEN BREE !! Oh yeah,i’ve been stuck with this painting for more than a month…Why? By fear of … Continuer la lecture

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#23 Umbresp

Attack for Umbresp!

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#22 Gregory

ENG: I believe they can use the power of love and friendship to defeat their enemies! FR: Je crois qu’iel peut utiliser le pouvoir de l’amour et de l’amitié pour vaincre ses ennemis ! Attack for GoSilverRaven!

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#21 Ghost

Attack for TheNeonWolfyy!

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#17 Cygnus

Attack for ModdyLad!

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#15 Snow

Attack for LilyStillLying!

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#14 Topaz

ENG: Some hikers found the crystal thief! run,Topaz,run! FR: Des randonneurs ont trouvé le voleur de cristal ! cours, Topaz, cours ! Attack for GildedTopaz!

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#13 Nightlock (Umbreon610)

ENG: i don’t think it’s berry juice,guys… FR: je ne pense pas que ce soit du jus de baies, les gars… Attack for SafiraCoyfolf!

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#11 Blue

ENG: I think if i had the capacity of a ditto,I too would make my tail a huge fluffy cushion! FR: Je pense que si j’avais la capacité d’un Métamorph, moi aussi je ferais de ma queue un énorme coussin … Continuer la lecture

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